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NSFW Sunday Wishes Lesbian Friends With Pros | Autostraddle

showcased picture via maurizio di iorio

It seems that it’s simply
“not too quick” for men and ladies becoming “friends with benefits” or even to have “no strings connected
.” This notion is actually a hot topic at this time, as a result of the nation’s exhilaration regarding “No Strings With Benefits,” the remake of the Natalie Portman/Ashton Kutcher initial from earlier on this year, this time featuring Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake.

But what about lesbians?

via fuckyeahlesbians.tumblr.com

A long time ago I had a habit to getting into these situations with “straight ladies” — the lack of strings had been implicit during the connection because obviously a right woman was not finding a relationship with a girl. Particularly when she already had a boyfriend. The drama, every one of the intercourse, and none associated with commitment! It really is magical/excruciating.

via fuckyeahblackbutchgirls.tumblr.com

Although we caution against pursuing or
dropping crazy about
confessing your own love for a straight lady
and get never done this myself personally, straight girls are excellent enjoyable as friends-with-benefits so long as you are able to keep your emotions found in a safe small package. “In your box office,” so to speak.

via switchteams.tumblr.com

friends with advantages between two real-live lesbians ladies
or you understand, bisexual or perhaps interested-in-ladies females? Lots of declare that it really is too hard because females have actually plenty of emotions, but it’s been known to take place. Possibly. Occasionally two ladies merely want to have a great time! (Just like
Whitney Mixter

via cuepoc.tumblr.com

But, in a write-up which requires issue “why can there be no feminine type of grindr?”,
WildCherry argues

“Usually homosexual guys try everyday sex like a duck to water. Straights hold their in casual sex limits but behind-the-scenes it is rather often guys driving these experiences. When it’s kept to 2 women, circumstances come to be far less feverish.”

At Examiner.com,
The Lesbian partnership Writer has some advice about pursuing pals with advantages
, such as “when you are over the woman need for you to definitely end up being faithful or contact her regularly, merely saying “we said i did not want everything serious,” doesn’t you from the hook.”

via xdyke.tumblr.com

Ashley at Diffuse5.com
is served by some tips
from a lesbian perspective but furthermore, Dara Nai at AfterEllen finds an effective way to mention gender on AfterEllen together summary of

Friends With Benefits

Everyone Want Friends With Benefits

Friends with Advantages goes When Harry Met Sally one better. Instead of inquiring whether both women and men could be merely friends, it assumes they’re able to nowadays. The question in 2011 is: Can friends make love and never belong love, or worse, screw-up the friendship? Well, sh-t howdy, lesbians have been inquiring ourselves that for decades.”

via queerbrownxx.tumblr.com

In Sep 2009,
The fresh new York Times published a write-up also known as “precisely what do Females Want”
regarding what turns females on, focusing at first on a research of female desire performed by recognized researcher Meredith Chivers. She performed experiments which involved enjoying different sorts of porn, and discovered that although men reacted genitally in “class specific” techniques (direct men like straight porn, an such like) that:

“Whatever their particular self-proclaimed intimate orientation, [women] confirmed, overall, strong and swift genital arousal when the display screen offered men with men, ladies with ladies and ladies with men.”

Also, whenever it concerned discrepencies between your topic’s stated arousal (that they composed about) in addition to their actual arousal (which was determined by fancy scientific components connected to numerous essential parts of the body):

“…with the ladies, especially the straight ladies, head and genitals appeared scarcely to fit in with the same person. The indication from plethysmograph in addition to keypad were not in a lot agreement. During shots of lesbian coupling, heterosexual women reported less exhilaration than their particular vaginas shown; viewing homosexual males, they reported a tremendous amount less; and looking at heterosexual sex, they reported more. On the list of lesbian volunteers, the 2 readings converged whenever females appeared on display. However when the flicks featured just males, the lesbians reported much less engagement versus plethysmograph taped.”

via gnomospazeamor.tumblr.com

The entire article is actually fascianting, in reality, nevertheless important component is the fact that this research could “move how women view their own capacity to get turned on.” Or maybe not:

“…sometimes Chivers talked just as if the particular forest wasn’t obvious after all, just as if the complexities were an illustration less of inherent intricacy than of social attempts to modify feminine eros, of social limitations which have remaining ladies lust dampened, distorted, inaccessible to understanding. “countless countries have actually rather rigid codes regulating feminine sexuality,” she stated. “if it sexuality is relatively passive, subsequently why numerous principles to regulate it? Exactly why is it very scary?” There was the implication, within her terms, that she might never illuminate the woman topic because she couldn’t also see it, the data she and her peers accumulate might be misleading, might express precisely the creations of society, hence her perceptions could be leading far from fundamental truth. There was the intimation that, at their core, ladies sex is probably not passive at all. There clearly was the opportunity that the very long reputation for concern might have buried the character of women’s lust too profoundly to unearth, to review.”

Time while on the lookout for website links on this subject subject I ended up during this syllabus for a class called
College Intercourse & Strategy: Friends with Advantages
and in some way following that ended up on this index of
Get Ask Alice
guidance questions regarding LGBTQ dilemmas and I think you’d like that as well. It really is like we’re taking a journey online together.

In conclusion, another person thinks
friends with benefits is scientifically difficult
, but from the thing I browse of it, In my opinion this some body is really inaccurate.


via freckled.tumblr.com


Dedicated to your love of freckled women



: In Her Own Facial Skin


All the photos on NSFW Sundays are taken from numerous tumblrs plus don’t are part of all of us. Each is connected and credited with the good the capabilities assured of bringing in extra traffic to your tumblrs and professional photographers that gifted you because of this images. The inclusion of a photograph here really should not be translated as an assertion of the design’s gender identity or intimate orientation. If there’s a photo included here that belongs to both you and you desire it removed, kindly e-mail all of our technology movie director at cee [at] autostraddle mark com and it will surely be removed quickly, no questions asked.

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